Sunday 9 March 2008

Introducing Myself

Originally uploaded by laura0141
I posted this last night but it appears to have gotten lost during the downtime so here's the gist of the story so far ...

I'm Laura, 35, Scottish, single, Bipolar, cat lover. I have major questions relating to religion and spirituality and am probably best categorised as a 'Seeker.' I tend to take phases towards various religious paths be they Christian, Wiccan, Buddhist ... those are the main players.

At the moment, I'm in a Christian phase. I really want to know Jesus. I want to meet Him. I want to know Him. I want to believe in Him. But I haven't met Him yet and I'm not really sure how to. I wrote a list of activities yesterday - read Bible, pray, go to Church, fellowship. This blog comes into the fellowship category.

And that's basically it. I promise you, what I wrote yesterday was a whole lot more interesting but it said basically the same thing. I've just taken some strong painkillers and blame them for my fuzzy, buzzy head.


Trish said...

Hi Laura,
Thanks for visiting my blog, and for your sweet comment. I will pray for you, as you are searching at this time in your life -- God will lead you in the right direction, I know that for sure.
Your friend, Trish

Tonja said...

Hi Laura,
I was happy to see that you read and commented on my blog. I am always happy to add new friends to my life.
You live in Scotland. I have never been there, but my long ago ancestry is Scottish. Our family name is Townsend.
I have a son who also has bipolar disorder and I know it can be very hard to cope at times. He has a wonderful doctor and is on a regimine of meds that is working well for him. He also has migraine headaches.
I read where you said you were a seeker. And, I take that to mean you are a seeker of the truth. I would encourage you to pray and ask God to reveal himself to you. If you ask, He will show Himself to you. The message may come in a way you don't expect, but you will feel in your heart that it is from Him. Jesus is the peace giver, and all true peace comes from Him. I have felt this peace many times and I trust you will feel it, too. Ask Him. Talk to God like you would talk to a good friend. Tell Him what you don't understand, and what you need help with. Don't be afraid to say what is on your heart to Him. He made you and He knows you better than anyone else...He also loves you more than anyone else. Then read the Bible. The Bible is the Word of God. Before you start to read, ask God to help you understand what you are reading and He will. I will be praying for you and will look forward to hearing from you again.

Kerry said...

Hi Laura! I love your honesty about the path of faith you are on. It sounds very familiar to me. (As you'll see if you read my blog, I've met Jesus and he's good.) :)

Thank you for stopping by my blog recently! I'm adding you to my google reader.

Hits since 31st July 2008