Monday, 28 July 2008

The Message//Remix:Pause

It's all about finding what works. I really want to be reading more of God's Word. I really want to read the Bible right through. I really want to be faithful with my reading and praying and studying. And I'm not.

I've tried so many different things. Read in the morning. Do it in the afternoon. Just before bedtime. Start in Genesis and keep going. Read chronologically. Read thematically. Just study one book but in depth. Use reading notes. Buy a study Bible. Get a different translation.

All of these have worked in part or not at all. Nothing has stuck. And I won't bore you with the reasons why. It's too hot.

I went into our semi-local branch of WesleyOwen on Friday. They usually have some items marked down in a kind of rolling all-year-round sale and I noticed two Bibles sitting on that shelf. I didn't buy either (didn't buy anything that day) as money is tight and I'm trying to teach myself to wait and see if I really want an item before making a purchase. And all weekend I've thought about those Bibles. The truth is, I want both of them. And they're both at +50% off the usual price. And Amazon can't beat the prices. But I had to choose. And I chose this one and made a plan to use it.

The Bible can be read at a variety of paces - anything from one to four years to get through the whole thing. So I'm thinking this is good because I can vary my pace as required. The readings are numbered rather than dated so I can start any time from Day 1 and should I miss a day, for some good reason, it isn't a disaster. It's a bit like FlyLady - you're never behind.

My plan is to read in the morning (before the day gets away from me) during my computer time. I usualy have a couple of cups of coffee while I go through my email (and snail mail when that arrives) so I will add this in. And I'll make it computer-y by trying to share some of what I read here. I doubt I'll come up with anything particularly profound but I shall try and be mildly interesting. Each day's reading poses some questions for the reader so I'll use those and we'll see where we go. People are welcome to answer the same questions on their own blogs and give links in the comments section of my posts.

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