Monday, 4 August 2008

Blogging Without Obligation

How many times have I started out here (or one of my other blogs) by saying: "I'm really sorry I haven't posted in a while. You see, my teeth fell out, then the cat got sick. After that I had to dig a big hole in the garden. And then the cat fell in. And I couldn't get her out. So I put more dirt in the hole so she could climb out. And then, by the time I had enough dirt in the hole for her to climb out, I had to dig another hole ..."

We've all written posts like that, right? So I am delighted to have stumbled into Blogging Without Obligation. Because, quite frankly, life's too short to waste time making excuses about your hobbies.


Annette said...

After reading your comment, I decided to pop over to your blog! Wow, you're in the United Kingdom. BTW, I loved this blog, because I too have been absent from blogging for a few weeks. Sometimes I feel guilty for not blogging, but I suppose I'm not obligated, correct?? Thanks for the reminder!

Just Me said...

Hi..I popped over from 'Two Steps forward ..." blog....and yes, i don't blog from obligation and ahven't for a while. I blog when i can...but i used to feel the 'pressure' to have something new everyday. ugh! Now I post when i have something to say - so much nicer.
...oh..and i read down thru your posts...thanks for sharing the true things in life: fighting worry..looking for the right church etc. ! Way to go! I'll pop in more often!

Hits since 31st July 2008