Tuesday, 5 August 2008


There was an article on Biblical Womanhood a couple of months back which I found very interesting. The writer challenges us to ask two questions about the 'stuff' we do:

1) Does this glorify the Lord and honor my husband?
2) Will this matter in Eternity?

and then to write a list of our priorities for this season of our lives. I feel challenged by this. How much time do I spend on pleasurable but meaningless pursuits? Is God going to ask me to give up all my hobbies? Do I have to spend every evening on my knees with my Bible open beside me? And why am I not happy at that prospect?

Most of the things I do (I have bad days, who doesn't?) don't *dis*honour God or my future-husband. I'm not so sure that they specifically 'glorify' or 'honour' them though. I don't really think about my day-to-day activities in those terms. They're just a list of Things To Do which I either enjoy or don't. And as for them mattering in Eternity? I'm drawing a blank. Although it has to be said, I don't actually *know* what matters in Eternity and what doesn't. I mean - does scooping the litter trays count? So, I'm more than a little stumped.

What are my priorities? I know what they should be:

1. God.
2. Husband.
3. Children.
4. Other family.
5. Church family.
6. Me things: reading, blogging, cats, knitting etc.

The difficulty is that I don't have #2 and #3 (unless you count the cats which I generally do). And I have so many things clamouring for my attention at #6 that they seem to need a list of their own. However, I will try and write a liveable list:

1. God.
2. Future-husband.
3. Other family.
4. Church family.
5. Cats.
6. Hobbies: reading and so on.

Demoting the cats *hurts* and I can't bring myself to put them in the 'hobbies' bracket. Oh, and keeping house is a future-husband thing since I don't mind living in a guddle but he probably will!

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