Thursday, 7 August 2008

Testimony of Healing

Like many sufferers of bipolar disorder, I also suffer from frequent migraines for which I take strong painkillers.

About two months ago, I received prayer for migraines at the Elim Church. When the prayer was over , I felt a cool tingling sensation on my forehead. I don't know if you have ever worn one of the cooling headache patches that you can put on your forehead but it felt a lot like that and was not at all unpleasant. At the same time, I felt God say to me:

My grace is sufficient for you.

I wasn't at all sure of what this might mean so I prayed it back to God and went home.

By the time I got home, I had a migraine!And God kept saying-- my grace is sufficient for you.and it came to me that he was telling me to lay off the painkillers.

Over the course of that weekend, I experienced severe migraine pain. Usually I would have gone to bed with painkillers, headache patches, and anything else I could think of to make myself feel better. But this time was different.I didn't take any painkillers. I stayed up. I drank a lot water, read the Bible, and prayed. And I found out that God's grace was sufficient for me.

The migraine eventually left me -- without any medical intervention. And I felt fabulous! I am still getting migraines, but they are far less frequent. Last week I didn't have one at all! I have piece about using the painkillers if there is something important have to do and I am in a lot of pain which would inhibit me carrying out the task. But, the rest of the time, I just wait for it to go away. And it does!

This is all very new to me. I'm very much feel the pain and take the tablet girl. But I feel that I had become dependent on the tablets when I should be dependent on God. Today, I have a migraine. And, somehow, that's okay. I wonder if this is God's peace that transcends all understanding?

1 comment:

Angie said...

Wow...God is amazing. :)

Hits since 31st July 2008