I've just read this very interesting post over at Creative Organizing. I'm sorry, I don't know the author's name and a quick scan of the page didn't come up with any answers. Anyway - I like the way she writes. And I'm intrigued by the question she poses:
"In the meantime, I would love to hear your thoughts on taking *real* vacations. Do you disconnect from the real world or do you stay connected via your cell phone, lap top or other electronic device? I’m curious to know if I’m the only one who craves complete disconnection from the real world while vacationing. I’m happy to be back…but boy it felt good to get away."
I actually feel quite distressed if I holiday without access to the internet. Probably this shows a degree of addiction. But it's an addiction I'm comfortable with and, in these ultra-connected days, it's not a hard addiction to feed. I think it stems from my feelings of isolation when I was first diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder (now Atypical Bipolar Disorder). I lost touch with workmates, friends, some family. I didn't go out. I didn't talk to anyone if I could avoid it. I sat and watched Buffy the Vampire Slayer videos and ate chocolate all day, every day. And then I got a modem.
These days, life is different. I do voluntary work and see some of my colleagues socially. I have friends (who I met online and see in real life). I have friends (who I only meet online). I can go to family gatherings, church, shopping - the usually things people do. But I still need my modem. The internet feels a whole lot safer than the outside world sometimes and I'm still more comfortable writing than I am speaking.
1 comment:
Whenever we go on holiday, I ALWAYS take my laptop with! Check mail with my cellphone lol
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