Wednesday 30 July 2008


Am I strange in really enjoying reading self-help books? I only like books that pertain to me in some way, I don't read in a general "lets learn about ..." manner. Although I suppose I could if I wanted to. But I, like most people, have certain problems and weaknesses and I enjoy reading books that address my issues. I like the feeling that I'm not alone in my experience and the reassuring voice of an author telling me that I can change if I only follow some simple steps ...

And I realised today that this is wrong.

I read the first day's message from The Message//Remix:Pause (hereafter referred to as 'Pause') today. And, yes, this is the post about it that I wasn't going to make. I read the first two chapters of Genesis and vs 1-18 from the first chapter of John. Pause posed a couple of questions relating to the passages of Scripture. And I found myself writing in my journal ...

Here's the deal. God created the world and everything in it. This includes me. God, therefore, knows how everything is supposed to work and how it actually works. Because you do know if you've made something yourself. God is, therefore, the authority on me. In fact, He is the only one who knows what I'm all about. And God wants to be in relationship with me. That's why He sent Jesus to die on the cross. He wants to be in relationship with me now and throughout eternity.

Now, if I'm in relationship with my Creator, why am I turning to the self-help authors when I'm in need of assistance? It's like asking a child to look at your car instead of taking it to a mechanic. And I'm sure (now) that it hurts God. Because He's right there beside me, just waiting to be asked.

I'm not going to ban self-help books. Because there are good, Christian authors out there whose work is helpful if if I combine it with seeking God for myself. I'm going to be a whole lot more discerning about my reading in this area and I'm going to school myself to Ask God First.


rena said...

Hi, thanks for popping my blog. Glad you did. Good insights on self help...I had a similar epiphany a couple of years ago...even with lots of "self" awareness we can still be our greatest "self" deceivers...only Father truly knows what is going on in our hearts and only He can truly help it

2nd Cup of Coffee said...

I can totally relate to this. For a while, I could not bring myself to read fiction because I only read self-help. And you make such a valid point: Who knows us best? How we will train our "ears" to hear him when we run to other humans (consistently and exclusively). Great post.

Being Mrs Miles said...

Hi Laura,

Thanks for coming to see me, I decided to do the same for you. I appreciate what you are saying about Self Help books... its so easy to get hooked on them. I, instead, really enjoy 'helping myself' by actually listening to the wonderful WONDERFUL archived programs at Midday Connection... they are not all intended for 'self help' but somehow they DO help me.

In case you would like to check them out you just go here:

Please, if you can let me know when you update your blog, I'd love to come back for a return visit!


Unknown said...

Laura, thanks for visiting my blog and for your kind words. I enjoyed reading your posts--keep knitting, reading, walking, and focusing on the Lord. He has great plans for you. I'll keep you in my prayers! Remember God asks us to bring all our cares and anxieties to Him. Your sister in Christ, Jane

Hits since 31st July 2008